Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Environmental Photo

I didn't do much to this picture, just added some contrast and brightness, then added a Gaussian blur filter to the background so it wasn't too distracting. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

IB portrait

In this IB portrait, i added contrast and brightened up her face a little. I really like how in my photo she put the scarf around her head to make it look more playful, but her face is more serious than normal. I think the lighting was very good for her.


For this photo, i brightened it and added contrast in photoshop. I tried to get rid of some of the graininess by slightly blurring her face. I also changed the color to a custom black and white in photoshop.

in class studio portraits- Sarah!

During class, we had studio time and took pictures of each other. To portray sarah as a nerd, i gave her some nerd glasses and a book. I brightened the picture in photoshop and added some contrast. The picture was also changed to a custom black and white in photoshop.

Friday, March 12, 2010

For this portrait, i used an ISO of 200 and a cloudy white balance. In photoshop i blurred the background slightly and made the rock and the subject clear. Rembrandt lighting was used on his face. In iphoto, i boosted the color a little. I also copied sticks and trees from the background as a border for my photo.

portrait on the rocks

For this portrait, i used a background that was summery and portrayed a happy mood. I made the ISO 200 and used a custom white balance. I also messed with the curves and boosted the color on iphoto. To make it look more professional, i added a rock background, which i took from the actual photo.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Portraits- Evan and Emily

For this photo, i used an inside light source, and ISO of 400, and a custom white balance. On emily's face is a rembrandt shadow, while evan has a sort of loop shadow. One thing i would change is how high evan's nose shadow covers his eye. I also changed the photo to black and white so the color's wouldnt be distracting. 

Portrait- Michael

This photo uses an ISO of 200 and a custom balance. I changed the color setting to vivid. This photo uses rembrandt lighting. There is a slight triangle located on this upper cheek. I changed the curves slightly and boosted it in iPhoto.

Portraits- Korey

For this photo, i used an ISO of 200, and a custom white balance. This photo uses split lighting, with light reflecting back onto the subject's face. I used photoshop to brighten it a little and added some contrast in iPhoto. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

Red Sweatshirt

I took this photo during the golden hour, in an attempt the make the lighting more appealing. I blurred the background so it wouldn't distract the viewer. I like how the lighting made her hair golden and gave her face a more healthy glow. For this portrait picture, i used loop lightening, which can be seen with the little shadow by her nose that looks like a loop. I used her sweatshirt to emphasize the color red. I made it pop by boosting the color and messing with the curves. The only thing i don't like is that she is squinting her eyes, but that cant exactly be fixed.

Red Colored Pencils

This photo was taken on the macro setting to get a clear detailed focus and blur the background. I used a custom white balance and an ISO of 80. I also changed the color settings to make the color more vibrant. I like the texture that is seen in the colored pencil. I also like the contrast of the dark shadows on the light paper. This photo shows depth of field, and i put a red crayon in the background to add interest and to lead the viewer's eye through the whole photo. 

Coca Cola Red

This photo was also taken to capture the color red. I used the macro setting to make the first bottle sharp in focus, but allow the other bottles to blur into the background. I used an ISO of 100 to avoid digital noise and used a -1/3 exposure so the white wasn't overly bright. I like the depth of field, but i wish the "c" wasn't cut off a little. 

Red Converse

For this photo, the focal point was supposed to show the color red. I took this photo during the golden hour, just before sunset. I like the sharp contrast of the white of the snow and shoes and the dark lines on the shoes. The shadows of the shoe ties also look interesting on the red shoes. I boosted the color slightly in photoshop to make the red pop a little more. 

Black, White, and Red all over

For this self portrait, i was attempting to catch the color red in the flowers. I used a triangular focal point with the three bright red flowers. I know its kinda cliché with the color on black and white, but i think that it effectively captures the assignment of taking pictures of red. There are other colors, but compared to the red, they look very dull. I like the contrast of the bright red on the dark black background.